Ossio Chiropractic

Ossio Chiropractic

Chiropractic, Sports Massage, Strapping & Taping

we specialise in finding the problem.. as a species we should be able to run, jump, swim & climb without compromise, however, when our bodies fail injuries occur and that’s where we step in, our expertise is finding what it is that’s causing your muscles to fail you thereby leading to poor performance or injury.

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Ossio Chiropractic
86 High St Stony Stratford
Milton Keynes
MK11 1AH


Anthony Boylan

Expert diagnosis of muscle weakness for injury prevention and performance enhancement in any sport or discipline

Anthony Boylan

Expert diagnosis of muscle weakness for injury prevention and performance enhancement in any sport or discipline.

Sports Specialities

Although we treat injuries related to all sports we have particular expertise relating to the following sports.

Injury / Condition Specialities

Although we treat injuries related to all sports we have particular expertise relating to the following injuries.

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